Bioacoustics Datasets
A list of bioacoustics datasets. All datasets listed below are easily accessible and can be downloaded in one go. See below for a list of Bioacoustics Online Repositories that offer a more exploratory experience (search and listen), but cannot necessarily be downloaded in one batch. You should also check out the Bioacoustic AI project's list of bioacoustics datasets and the Bioacoustics Datasets Wikidata Project.
Missing a dataset? Click here to submit a dataset to be added to the list.
Bioacoustics Online Repositories
A list of bioacoustics online repositories. The repositories listed below offer an exploratory experience (search and listen), but cannot necessarily be downloaded in one batch. See above for a list of Bioacoustics Datasets that can be easily downloaded in one go.
Submit a dataset or repository to be added to the website
BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: is it a dataset or repository?
This website lists two types of data sources: datasets and repositories:
Please determine whether you are submitting a Dataset or a Repository and complete the relevant form accordingly:
- Dataset: is pre-packaged for easy access and reproducibility, for example as one or more zip files containing all audio data and all corresponding annotation data. A dataset should also, ideally, be well documented, versioned, and have both a DOI and a license. Without a license the data may not be useable. An example of a dataset that meets all of the aforementioned requirements is Birdvox-full-night.
- Repository: provides a web-interface (and sometimes also an API) for exploring a large, possibly evolving, collection of data. Repositories are great for data exploration, but usually require manual or automatic scraping to obtain any significant amount of data (when permitted).
Please determine whether you are submitting a Dataset or a Repository and complete the relevant form accordingly:
Website maintained by Justin Salamon.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.